Monday, March 14, 2016

The Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This week's forum hour at Trinity Episcopal of Upperville, VA was a  discussion of Dietrich's Bonhoeffer's life as an introduction to the idea of reading his classic book The Cost of Discipleship. I must say that although I have read his apostolic writings throughout the years, and given many of his books to friends as gifts, I had never really considered the timeline and events that characterized his unusual life as a man of God. I must confess that I have become intrigued by the action adventure nature of his journey through faith in the horrific setting of Berlin in World War II. They say that the teacher learns more than the students in preparation for teaching, and I feel that particular in this instance I was immersed in the material and came out with an introspective spirit as I approached the Sunday morning lecture hour in this season of Lent.

If you missed the class and want to know more about Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life I encourage you to view the following video links. I will also be posting study notes daily with blog questions and musings about the book The Cost of Discipleship. I have included links to its purchase on line and I also have two copies left for loan if you will message me or call the church office.

Here are the links to my suggested videos about Bonhoeffer's life

This link is to a discussion by Tom Greggs from the University of Aberdeen Divinity that is very informative.

This link is a video about Bonhoeffer's execution that I did not have time to show in Forum Hour.

This is a vintage 1978 video that is of poor video quality but extremely well done

Also here are some quotes from the Cost of Discipleship.

The Cost of Discipleship introduced

I look forward to studying this book with you in the following weeks. Here is the link to an  online purchase....don't forget we have copies available for loan!

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