Thursday, March 17, 2016

Introduction:Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened.

Matthew 11: 28-30 The Call to Discipleship

Today is the first time since I had studied Dietrich's life in detail that I have actually read something written by him. I discovered that suddenly, because I am invested in him as a man, a human with who I connect, that his words have new meaning. I just read the Introduction today. For those of you starting the reading, it is a very nice place to start, for it is short and very clear in its message.

He starts where we all start when it comes to the church life. He points out that churches are full of everything it seems, except a pure vision of Christ and the Gospel. He points out that many who visit churches cannot come to know Christ for the "ballast" in the pulpit, the ministry, and even the churchgoers as they go about their rituals of service in the name of God. I think that what he is saying is that it is so full of coarseness with regards to laying the of foundation of a functional congregation and worship group, that it lacks the refinement necessary to truly focus on the word of God.

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

In other words when he asks us to read these words he is arguing that this is probably what the church, while with good and meet faith and intentions, impedes instead of promotes. I mean isn't that true of any well-intended organization of  well- meaning citizens? You are a young mother trying to make the rounds of the soccer games, or a retiree trying to pay the bills and slow down in life. Ultimately the church asks for you to do things that add to the hectic pace, the unrelenting toil, the weariness of life.

I think this is what Dietrich wanted us to hear in this Call to Discipleship. I think he suggests to us that if we will listen to Christ and become a disciple, that all chores in our life will become joy, and furthermore when we come up against true trials and inevitable grief, that a relationship with Christ (and not the church) will help us find some peace and rest for our souls.

It is St Patty's Day and did you know that this patron Saint of Ireland was also imprisoned in Ireland for years and that is where he came to know Christ? Happy St Patty's to all! I must be off to choir practice!

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