Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Apologist's Evening Prayer

I am disciplined this week and committed to the study of C.S. Lewis and his apologetics works each evening and morning as I go about the daily business of life. Tonight I finished a podcast that I came upon two weeks ago. I have been listening to it in parts (it is over an hour long) and I highly recommend your listening to it, albeit perhaps in parts. It is a panel discussion by scholars who are experts on Lewis's writings and works, and it is from his dedication at the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey in London who have gathered to discuss his life's works and influences. The website is  .

Now for those of you that do not know me, I adore Westminster Abbey; end of blog!!!!! I love to go there and pray, and to listen to Evensong, and to attend lectures whenever I have been in London. Sometimes I just go there and literally sit. It is one of my favourite things in the world because it is one of those places that I feel close to God.
Lewis was all about disciplining his life to focus on God and the absolute Truth, and he made that he allowed for time not only to write and to study about Christ, but to also soak in the beauty of church, art, literature and nature as a means to come closer to the Truth. It struck me as I listened to this podcast end tonight that CS Lewis might not have appreciated the lack of humility in his dedication service, but he would have been overwhelmed that his name would be carved in the beauty of the Abbey next to the great poets and philosophers of his world.
"Jack" always dreamed of being a poet, and at the end of his dedication into "the" Poet's Corner this poem was read:

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